

Refuge is an adult Catholic choir - friends who enjoy collaborating in music and music ministry. We formed Refuge because we like being together as a musical group. Our primary ministry is to serve at Catholic liturgies, but we are open to other opportunities for outreach, performance and ministry.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Congratulations Refuge Cellist Megan!

Refuge Cellist Megan brought home a trophy for academic excellence from the National Junior Miss Pageant.

Celebrating Birthdays

After Mass Refuge celebrated Fred's and Susan's birthdays.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Refuge Ministers for Knights of Columbus

Refuge provided music ministry for a Knights of Columbus memorial Mass.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Fellowship and Practice at Annie's House

More pictures from dinner, fellowship and practice at Annie's house.

"Happy Birthday to Donna"