

Refuge is an adult Catholic choir - friends who enjoy collaborating in music and music ministry. We formed Refuge because we like being together as a musical group. Our primary ministry is to serve at Catholic liturgies, but we are open to other opportunities for outreach, performance and ministry.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Farewell to Annie

Here are some pictures from the viewing, funeral service, and celebration of life; events that allowed us to gather in friendship to say farewell to our dear friend Annie.

Below is link to a video slide show of Annie with Refuge choir.  The songs in the video were written by Tina and Sal.

Just Us, minus Annie, performed five songs at the Celebration after funeral.

Mike performing with Just Us.

Shingle for Little Library
that will be erected in Annie's honor.
At the funeral service.

Tina and friends perform during the Celebration after funeral.

Refuge at the viewing.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Goodbye Annie

Early this morning Refuge lost our sister in music ministry. Annie was a friend to all and a work colleague to several of us. Some of us knew her for 25 years, and collaborated with her in music ministry at Old Dominion University Catholic Campus Ministry before she helped found Refuge in 2011. We shared a LOT of musical joy and fellowship with Annie. Our prayer is that she now rests in peace and comfort in the loving arms of God.